Wineburg, Sam. Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Act:
Charting the Future of Teaching the Past. Philadelphia: Temple University
Press, 2001. Xiv + 255 ppg.
The book is
practically a must read for anyone who wants to teach history at any level. He
explains why the study of history is important. It really is. Just watch the
current presidential election and the mangling of history going on by all
candidates, some more so than others. It is evident that history education has
not seen many gains in a century and that has a lot to do with the way it is
taught. Wineburg addresses the challenges students and teachers face in
learning about history and how to confront the challenges and overcome them.
The final chapter cover history as national memory which is an entire field in
its own right.
I really
enjoyed reading the book and use pieces as quotes for my own teaching. Students
in my classes find out on the first day that this is not about the memorization
of facts, but rather learning why things happened and what their effect on us
today is. Thanks to Wineburg, I get their attention and then plant the seeds of
inquiry which leads to some interesting discussions later in the semester. This
book is all part of the development of training history teachers to think
outside the box and get past the lecture so that students are actually
learning. Wineburg also addresses the pathetic methods of assessment which have
been handicapping teachers for decades. It is time to get rid of the multiple
choice questions and move to the essay based exams. That is the only real way
to see if students are learning.
about history is unnatural according to Wineburg. He is correct. Most people do
not even consider the past at all. Yet, their lives are heavily intertwined
with history on a daily basis. It is interesting how many people do not know
much of anything about history, yet make decisions that rely upon their bad
knowledge all the time. Thanks to people like Wineburg and his authoring of this
book, we can begin to bring that to their attention and work on making them
appreciate history.
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