Patterson, James T. Restless Giant: The United States from
Watergate to Bush v. Gore. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. xiii +
448 ppg.
previous entry in this series, Grand
Expectations was a masterpiece. I use it in my classes because it is well
researched and provides a vivid account of the years in question. In contrast
to that, I cannot use Restless Giant
to the extent of the aforementioned book. This is not to say Restless Giant is a bad book. It is
quite good. The fault lies in my own expectations. The fact that I lived during
this time period may also be part of the issue because my own memories clash
with the history, but this is not uncommon in modern history. Individual
perspectives color our views of history we experience.
It really
would not surprise me to see this volume expanded upon or even replaced twenty
years from now as more information comes to light or is declassified. That is
really one of the biggest problems in studying recent history, especially
political, diplomatic, and military history. Far more documents are classified
these days than ever before and in many cases will not be declassified until
many years have passed. This is a huge disadvantage for recent history
advocates because many of the people they could develop information on or with
will pass away before their role or roles come to light.
While this
book is useful, it has limits. The events since 2000 have seen a major
recession, war, massive social change, and a hardening of the culture wars into
two opposing groups. Many of these events have their roots in the 20th
century. The end of the Cold War alone is worthy of a book. The Reagan years
have recently been closely examined in substantial volumes. This book is the
predecessor to those volumes.
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